Saturday, January 8, 2011

Greasing the Groove

Greasing the Groove, or "GTG" is when you do your exercises "fresh" every time. 

Normally, an active athlete who weight trains every week about 2-3 times, would lift, rest, and lift. As opposed to someone who does GTG, they do a few reps each time in a more frequent time period. For example, Doing Press Ups every hour or so, just a few each time, not going all the way to failure. This, as statistic reports show, increased one strength more than weight training. But building strength this way neglects both Endurance, and Muscle Hypertrophy. 

What are the benefits?

For powerlifters, athletes who mimic dinosaurs and lift a load of weight, GTG would be perfect for them. Have you ever wondered why you're stronger when you're faced against a life threatening situation, emergency? It's because adrenaline is rampaging in your body, and your muscles contract deeper and harder; usually, your muscle fibers lock up this potential due to it's very dangerous nature, but against a situation, it gets unlocked. Greasing the Groove exactly mimics that. Since your muscles are getting used to high resistance but low repetition, it absolutely is a sweet way to develop strength. 

Time Requirements? 

You can also use this technique to get out of that excuse, "I have no time to train!" With this way, you'll need no longer than a minute each time. A very popular rep scheme for Greasing the Groove is 3-5 reps, since you're doing high resistance, you won't need that much time anyways. Doing it multiple times a day, every time you feel "fresh". Never do it to failure, as this defeats the purpose against doing it frequently. This way isn't training to tire the muscles, it's unlocking the muscle fibers to contract deeper and harder.


This is what I've used to get the most out of results that I see right now. This can also be used with weights and calisthenics. Some popular exercises for calisthenics would be Pull Ups and Push Ups. (That's why when you Google Greasing the Groove, pull ups and push ups follow respectively) Some people report results as increasing their bench press by at least 30 pounds in just under a few months, why not try this method?