Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Swagbucks rewards! :)))) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Swagbucks is a very good site A VERY GOOOOOOD SITE to get money online from the ease at home! 

There are many ways to earn points, or, "swagbucks

- the main focus of the site is to search, the more you search the better, since swagbuck's results are very accurate, there is no difference than using google and other search engines. the amount of swagbucks you can get, ranges from 5 - 50 on a regular day, but on EVERY friday, you can get up to 10,000+ swagbucks!!

- do daily tasks to get points, there are only 4, and you can only get 1 swagbuck from each task...
but if you do that math - 4swagbucks x 30 days = 120 swagbucks/ 1 month ; 120 swagbucks x 12 = 1400swagbucks/ 1 year. 1 Amazon $5 Gift Card is only 450 points, you're getting around 3 gift cards just by doing tasks that require a click!

- watch videos. watch videos. watch videos. 

i cannot stress that enough, watching videos is probably one of the easiest ways to points. i usually get around 40 swagbucks a day, just by watching the wide variety of videos. a big fraction of my swagbucks total stems from videos; when your doctor said to rest after continuous sessions of tv, swagbucks mist just be an exception!
From doing such simple tasks everyday, and constant participation. I have already made over 85$ in Amazon value! And even with such an amount, I still have 800 Swagbucks left, and 29$ balance in my Amazon account!


If you use my referral link posted below, you even get a 30 swagbuck starter pack!