Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Common Stereotype, Fat People are Strong

   So, have you're watching the Olympics, powerlifting to be exact. You look at that powerlifting, he lifts more than your entire body weight, but, he's fat? You may have wondered before, people that are fat, have access to a much higher energy source, why is this, you ask?

  1. They eat WAY MORE than you, therefore, they absorb way more nutrition, more than the rest of is, one the nutrition is protein, which is one of the primary factors to building muscle.
2. Think, they are way heavier than us, therefore, all the running, jumping, all physical activities, they perform that with a much higher resistance, allowing their muscles to skyrocket in building potential. So, active fatties will have higher strength.
3.  Some physical activities that measure strength, such as a dead lift; people that are "fat" have short arms, therefore, when lifting, they don't lift as much as those who has long arms, seemingly performing much more repetitions which make them "strong"

4. If they're naturally fat, they might belong in the somatotype group, Endomorph. Endomorphs are naturally blessed with strength, this might explain why people that are fat, are stronger than those that belong in Mesomorphs, or Ectomorphs.  ( Click Here for the Body type post )

5. People that are "fat", don't do as much as the type of exercise, Cardio.  Cardio, is usually done to the point where the individual gets tired, a lot. The more we humans get tired in the exercise, the less we're working on our fast-twitch muscles, the type of muscle that gives it a WAY BIGGER volume. This doesn't give it overall more strength, it just makes it visually bigger, so, since people that are fat, don't do Cardio, they're working on they're fast-twitch muscles. That's why they look way bigger, when they actually have approximately the same muscle mass as us. Which would disguise the fact that some of us are not really weaker than the fatter people.

   They're not all fat, think about it. Just because they're fat in some places that are socially unacceptable, an example would be the stomach, doesn't mean they're fat everywhere. They only have their stomach fat, the slang term would be a pot belly, they can still have extremely muscular arms, or any other body organ.

   And, muscle is layered UNDER fat, fat is OVER muscle. No matter how big your muscles are, if you have fat, this will make it lose the muscular tone, it's just like trying to see the definition of bricks if a thick blanket is over it. So, just because they look fat, this is nowhere akin to the augmented muscles they have underneath. You have to understand that under all that fat they seem to have, there would still be a high amount of muscle there. So not, all that size you see are fat, there's also that size, the muscles contribute to.

   Hope this explains why people who are fat, or not at that case, possess the access to a that much greater energy source.